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Reasons to Select Accounting as Your Professional Year Program

Reasons to Select Accounting as Your Professional Year Program

  • Date20 Jul 2017


Professional year program is a program developed by the Australian Universities to train the students who have graduated to improve their career prospects and to develop their skills; a student holds the liability to choose their program depending on their specialization.

What to Choose?

It is very important to choose the professional program wisely. Not only is your career depended on it but your growth of interest in that particular field is also challenged. But in this topic you are advised to choose accounting as your professional program.

Why Professional Year Program Accounting?

Accounting involves:

  • Method of the transactions taking place
  • Keeping a record of the transactions taking place
  • To perform internal audits to check whether any complications happened or not and every transaction has been done rightfully
  • Giving a proper report about the transactions and proper analyzation of the financial index of the company to the management
  • To give proper advise about the tax program
  • To keep a proper record of the resources that a firm has
  • By keeping a proper resource record it is advisable to give a proper idea about the prospect of the growth of employment in the company
  • To have a proper idea from the financial records about the profit and loss of the company
  • Each and every company now matter how big it is needs someone to keep an account of the things that is going around. Accounting involves a lot of responsibilities. The financial stature of the company lies on the shoulder. Any wrong transaction or not keeping proper record may result in huge penalties.

    Can I Apply for Professional Year Program Accounting?

    To take accounting after your graduation in the professional program you need to have the following:

    • You need to have a graduation certificate from any of the related field of higher education program in Australia
    • It is very important to have a minimum IELTS score of 6 or equivalent
    • You need to apply for a temporary graduate visa with a minimum of 12 months validity
    • You need to provide valid skill assessments from CPA. IPA or CA

    If you satisfy all the above criteria then you are eligible to apply for accounting as your professional program.

    The sole duty of these institutions would be to keep each and every student under proper observation to check their day to day development. They should prepare each and every student professionally to face the world and best at their job.

    What Does the Program Have in Store?

    The professional program in accounting is generally a 44 week program depending on your choice including weeks of internship to professionally prepare you for the course. Professional Year Program Perth is a popular institution that has some special variations to develop the skills of the student enrolled in the course. Professional Year Program Perth is responsible for the success of several students in the field of accounting. The program covers the area of work place in Australia, business and communication skills, health and hospitality services and scrutinized work place training.

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