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Health Insurance 485 visa


If you have plans to study and/or work in Australia, you must secure health insurance prior to traveling to the country. Health insurance provides coverage for the insured individual’s medical and surgical costs. This requirement is mandatory for travelers who wish to secure a Skilled Graduate 485 Visa or a Temporary Work (Skilled) Visa.

For Skilled Graduate 485 Visa Applicants


The Australian Department of Home Affairs requires all applicants of the Skilled Graduate 485 Visa to obtain private health insurance before submitting their visa application. As stated in the 8501 conditions, visa applicants “must maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance while in Australia.”

Failure to comply may result in the rejection of your visa application.

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For Temporary Work (Skilled) Visa Applicants


Likewise, all foreigners who wish to work in Australia must secure private health insurance by the time the decision regarding their visa application is announced. Failure to obtain health insurance may lead to the refusal of their visa.

We have partnered with many reputed institutions for Professional Year Program, we are here to answer any questions you may have about our professional year programs. Reach out to us and we'll respond as soon as we can. For further information, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions or contact our Team at Perth (08) 6245 1219, and Adelaide (08) 8120 4198

Let us Help


Want to make the process of securing health insurance a walk in the park? We can help. At Professional Year Program, we have teamed up with some of the best and most trusted health insurance providers in the country. With their assistance, we’ll provide you with the services and assistance you need to find the insurance coverage that fits your needs and budget.

This service is absolutely free!

Contact us to know more about these courses’ fees, requirements etc.

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